Game of Thrones season 6 episode 9 predictions: Will Ramsay Bolton or Jon Snow win Battle of the Bastards?
Are some of the show's beloved characters about to die?

Alas, season six of Game of Thrones is quickly coming to an end.
However, before our favourite show about “tits and dragons” vanishes for yet another year, there are a couple of very exciting events set to take place within the next two episodes, the first of which, titled ‘Battle of the Bastards’, has us very excited indeed. So, what’s going to happen in episode nine? Here are our predictions.
Jon Snow and Ramsey Bolton will have at it
If it wasn’t entirely obvious from the title, the ‘Battle of the Bastards’, or Bastard Bowl as it is affectionately known online, will see the Stark bastard and Bolton bastard face-off in a battle to reclaim The North. The pair will likely share some harsh words (perhaps Ramsey will ask for his wife back?) before the battle commences. It's easy to imagine the two eventually having a sword fight, which we can only pray Jon wins.
Sansa will reveal a dark secret
Earlier this season, Sansa wrote a mysterious letter to someone asking for, we presume, help. While this will likely come to fruition in the latter half of the episode, the young Stark may actually have another secret to reveal; that she is pregnant. It has been rumoured for a long time, and if she does reveal she is carrying Ramsey’s child this could potentially knock the sadistic villain back/lead him into a blind rage that could somehow be his downfall. However, this is a rather morbid turn of events and something many fans may not feel comfortable with considering how controversial *that* scene was.

The Knights of Rohan the Vale will save the day and the Starks will win
As has been pointed out numerous times, Jon Snow is down on men, with very few houses of the North coming to his aid. Considering the aforementioned letter, it is likely Sansa wrote to Littlefinger and he will ride in with the knights of the Vale to save the day, very much how the Riders of Rohan come charging in with Gandalf in Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. If this does happen - and it really does look likely - it wouldn’t be the first time a third party saved the day on Game of Thrones.
Rickon Stark is probably going to die
This should really come as no surprise as the young boy is currently locked away in Winterfell under Ramsey’s control. As we all know, Ramsey has a weird thing for killing off characters, and it’s easy to imagine him killing Rickon on the battlefield, in front of his brother and sister, as a way of torturing them. If this does happen, it would also dismiss all those ‘Shaggydog is alive’ tinfoil theories.
Ramsey, Jon, and Sansa probably won’t die
Let’s be honest, deep down, we all want the Starks to win (and they probably will). If they don’t, so much of Jon and Sansa’s story would have been for nothing. However, most people seem to think Ramsey will die, yet if this does happen, we’ll no longer have a dastardly villain to hate (except Euron, who we think will overtake Ramsey as the new Joffrey). If they do win the battle, would they kill the Bolton? Maybe Sansa would, but she probably has worse things for him. If it doesn’t happen this episode, it will happen sooner, rather than later.
Tormund, Wun Wun, The Red Woman, and Davos are in serious danger
We’ve already had to contend with Hodor’s death, now we may have to muster up the courage to make it through any of the above dying. In order of ‘How much the fandom really cares,” the one we least care about is The Red Woman, who brought back Jon Snow, but also killed Shereen - something unforgivable in anyone’s eyes. Next up is Wun Wun, who we haven’t seen much of, but his gigantic charm has won over legions of fans.

Then, it’s a tricky match up. If Tormund goes, then the possibility of him and Brienne also dies, breaking thousands of hearts. If The Onion Knight dies, well, we’ll all be very, very sad. They’re both fantastic characters, and if either/both die, there will be Twitter riots.
Not everything will be about the big battle
According to a leak - making this not really a prediction - the titular battle won’t be the only thing to take place this episode. You can read about the leak here but be careful as it is a mild spoiler.
Anything else?
Well, if you’re not already excited, you really should be by now. Not only is this the episode the show creators are putting forward for an Emmy, but from what director Miguel Sapochnik - who also helmed 'Hardhome' - has already said about the episode, this should be entirely exciting.
Meanwhile, the director of the last two Game of Thrones episodes has spoken about the recent Arya storyline, confirming that it was basically just bad writing.
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