Suicide Squad: Warner Bros. considering two more spin-off movies

The studio appear to be feeling supremely confident in the success of this year's alternate DC offering, with plans for multiple spin-offs of its central characters

Clarisse Loughrey
Thursday 26 May 2016 12:38 BST

Warner Bros. is really starting to put all their eggs in one, neon-draped basket; every hope to salvage the floundering DC cinematic universe now lies on Suicide Squad, yet confidence seems reassuringly high for DC's alternate comic book offering.

The studio is already looking far into the potential franchise's future: with a sequel already reportedly greenlit, alongside news Harley Quinn may front a female-led ensemble film, Warner Bros. is now considering further spin-off options.

A source told Collider that the studio is, indeed, "feeling very confident in the property. They think it’s going to be a really big hit and they think audiences are going to fall in love with these characters. I’ve heard more than a few talks of giving some of the other Task Force X members their own spinoffs, and like the Harley Quinn one, these films would open the door for a ton of new DC characters to show up."

"The Joker is a definite possibility for a spinoff, and Jared [Leto] seems up for it from what I’ve been told. They’re also really hot on Jai Courtney’s character Boomerang right now. Nothing’s set in stone yet, but you’re definitely going to be seeing a lot more of these guys in the years to come."

An early test screening has reportedly seen positive reactions: though there's a lot of doubt as to their veracity, this new development in Warner Bros.' plans only adds to the mounting promise for Suicide Squad's success.

Then again, they were feeling confident enough in Batman v Superman to order two Justice League films, and four spin-offs; so let's not get too excited yet.

Suicide Squad hits cinemas 5 August.

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