Suicide Squad: Test screening audience give positive early social media reviews

Warning: take reviews with a large grain of salt

Jack Shepherd
Sunday 22 May 2016 10:37 BST

It’s been a very busy year for fans of superhero films. Already we’ve seen the likes of Captain America: Civil War, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and X-Men: Apocalypse, with yet more comic book-based films to come.

Notably, DC’s third instalment in their cinematic universe, Suicide Squad, is set to hit cinemas, fans praying the film won’t be as disappointing as the Zack Snyder’s aforementioned superhero brawler.

From Jared Leto sending anal beads to the rest of the cast to Cara Delevingne getting naked and howling like a wolf, the villain based film looks set to be different to all else that has come this year.

According to Uproxx, on Friday Night in California, a selected group were shown an early iteration of the film. Twitter was soon abuzz with positive reviews, praising Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn while adding how Jared Leto’s Joker ‘fits the film’s aesthetic’.

Of course, these reviews should be taken with some caution. Early Batman v Superman reviews indicated the film was overwhelmingly brilliant, yet critics ravaged the film, the film ending up with a Rotten Tomatoes score of just 27%.

Whether these reviews are legitimate is up for debate; as noted by many Tweeters they should be taken with a rather large grain of salt. However, as proven by Civil War, sometimes fans and critics can often agree on a film’s consensus.

Meanwhile, in other superhero film news, the latest X-Men film has hit cinemas, with critics finding it rather middling. Here’s our piece on why Apocalypse should have been released 10 years ago.

Suicide Squad hits cinemas 5 August.

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