Want to know the real White House strategy on coronavirus? Listen to what Mike Pence doesn't say
Everyone has a tell. Trump's are obvious, but his VP's are particularly informative

Everyone has a tell.
It's as true on a Washington podium as it is at a Las Vegas blackjack table.
Donald Trump has multiple tells. The president folds his arms across his chest when he's feeling annoyed and defensive. He rewrites his own history when his polls turn south. And he says things are going just fine when even he knows the coronavirus death count is rising — his face gives that much away.
Vice President Mike Pence, a disciplined man and polished professional politician, has fewer. But they're there, behind his crisp white button-down shirts and fleet of blue neckties.
Pence, a longtime House member who rose to GOP leadership ranks before becoming governor of Indiana, is practiced at hiding his tells. He's the straight man in Trump's nightly coronavirus television show, brought in after the president has loudly uttered questionable claims and outright falsehoods and insulted reporters for an hour or more to settle an anxious country with his stats, his chart about hand-washing and his admonishments to stay the hell apart, all delivered in that signature cadence which is vaguely reminiscent of a reverend.
The VP is a born straight man. He rarely gets agitated with reporters, unlike his boss. At certain points in the last few days, one could almost sympathize with Trump as reporter after reporter tried to bait him into issuing a national stay-at-home order, something to which he has made clear he is philosophically — and politically — opposed. One can only suppose these reporters already have stories ready to go slamming the president for what would be a constitutionally questionable move.
Yes, reporters have tells, too. We're probably the worst of all Washington creatures at hiding them. See, we just can't help ourselves. We can't avoid making everything about us. It's a similarity to the president that keeps our co-dependent relationship so irresistibly toxic.
Trump rightly detects this is a loaded question, and he lashes back at the ever-shrinking amount of journalists in the room. But that anger is not a presidential tell. It's just anger.
And if you haven't gotten angry at a reporter while watching one of Trump's nightly talk-a-thons — which feature less and less news but fulfil everyone's clickbait quota — you're just not doing it right, folks.
Pence rarely gets angry. But there was a moment during Wednesday night's briefing when we saw a classic Pence tell. Actually, there were two.
"Mr Vice President, a follow-up on the churches question. You're obviously a very religious man. Will you be going to church on Sunday?" asked a reporter.
Pence, though it was subtle, grimaced. He looked down at the familiar podium in the White House briefing room, hands gripping each side. He gave the reporter a polite smile – and, remember, if something is so overtly polite, it's probably not meant to be.
"We'll be attending church right in the living room at the vice president's residence [in Washington], where we have been attending for the last several weeks," the VP said diplomatically. But his tell was already visible.
He let another show, too, after Trump had left the room on Wednesday evening.
This came after a question about the president's tweet from that morning. The tweet concerned sending 100 federally-owned ventilators to Colorado at the request of Republican Senator Cory Gardner. The president, always willing to hide his re-election strategy in plain sight, mentioned his fast-tracking the breathing devices to that state at the request of the vulnerable lawmaker, who faces a tough fight in November to keep the seat in Republican hands.
"I'd love to be able to help other countries once we're taken care of," then said the “America First” president. "But I just sent 100 ventilators to Colorado, and that was great. A senator there who is a terrific senator ... Cory Gardner… he called me last night. He said, 'Could you get 100 ventilators for Colorado?' And we just sent them out, and they'll be there very shortly."
Sometimes, if Trump knows you're going to owe him enough favors, it's just that easy.
When a reporter asked Pence near the end of Wednesday's coronavirus cooking show – Misters Trump and Pence made a word salad for America – if he could "say whether a personal relationship with the president is helping states like Colorado get these ventilators" because "there are 15 states that have more cases than Colorado," we got to pinpoint another Pence tell.
"Well, what I could say is that we've been watching Denver very closely. And like many of the other key areas that I touched on, it ... we're beginning to see some encouraging news," Pence said. "But in our interactions with ... the governor and with local officials and with the senator, we've made an effort not only in Colorado, but around the country to be particularly responsive to states where – where we've seen a growth in cases."
I did not hear a “no” in there, Mr Vice President. Nor any other kind of forceful denial. He went on, eventually repeating the line about Denver. But he never offered up a defence of the boss. With Pence, another tell is what he doesn't say.
Hit me, dealer.
Pence never said the president isn't playing favorites with life-saving equipment while also thinking about November's election. The former amounts to an ace of spades and the latter a king of diamonds.
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