What is it about 'No' you don't understand?
A HUNDRED ways in which the British express their desire to refuse a request.
Oh dear
Oh dear me
Oh dear, I'm sorry
Oh, dear, I'm so very sorry
How sad
What a pity
You see
You see, the thing is
Things being what they are
We're in a negative situation
So it's no go
No way
No can do
Out of the question
No chance
Sorry, but no
Fat chance
Sorry, love
Not right now
Any other time
Love to but . . .
Some other time
Must rush
We're right out
We're closing
We've closed
We've closed down
The editor regrets . . .
The management reserve the right . . .
It's more than my job's worth
The Queen has asked me to
convey . . .
If it were up to me
It's out of my hands
It's not my pigeon
Wrong number
Not known at this address
Gone away
Due to unforeseen unforeseen
Due to inclement weather
If wish were father to the deed . . .
Chance would be a fine thing
Would that it were so
Never in a thousand years
No, no, a thousand times no
I'd rather die than say yes
Give over
Forget it
No way, Jose
Not on your nelly
Hard cheese
Tough titty
Too bad
Drop dead
Get lost
Do us a favour
Do you mind?
Push off
Be absent
You must be joking
That'll be the day
Over my dead body
Are you serious?
Say not so
No, siree]
Not a lot
I should say not
Not in a million years
God preserve us
God forbid
Heaven forfend
Lawks a mussy]
Can't help, I'm afraid
Not within my remit
Wrong department
Sorry, old boy
Terribly sorry, but there it is
Damned shame
Awful pity
Quel dommage
Es tut mir leid
It is not possible
It is unthinkable
We have re-examined your case
There are no grounds for an appeal
The tests are quite positive
There are no grounds for doubt
Case dismissed
It's the end of the line
That's it
You've had it
No way out
The umpire's decision is final
This correspondence is closed - Ed
There is nobody here at present, but if you wish to leave a
message . . .
There is no paper in the fax machine
That's it
Over and out
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