How a referendum could work
There are a few obstacles standing in the way of a vote on the final Brexit deal, but if it were to go ahead, here's what could happen

Less than 48 hours since we launched a petition to call for a referendum on the Brexit deal, 275,000 have signed. The latest polling from YouGov also shows that more people want a referendum than don’t. But there is an unanswered question – and it’s something The Independent resolved to discuss in the coming weeks and months: what should be the question on the ballot paper?
As we wrote in the initial editorial laying out our thinking on the campaign, there is a good reason why that can’t be finalised today: we don’t yet know if there will be a deal to offer the public at the end of the election. But there are some certainties that we can confirm already.
What if there is no deal?
The question on the ballot paper would depend on what happens in the final stage of the Brexit talks this autumn. The scenario that has focused people’s minds is a possible collapse of the talks and the UK facing the prospect of leaving the EU without a deal.
If that happened, the choice facing the nation would be simple. It would be to remain in the EU or to leave, but this time – unlike in 2016 – the Leave option would be defined as leaving without a deal.
In fact, different kinds of no-deal Brexit are possible. The government is unlikely to allow ports and airports to close down on 29 March. In practice, a no-deal Brexit is likely to mean a limited deal to keep the planes flying. The big question is whether such a minimal deal would include a transition period during which everything stays the same while we get ready for a cliff-edge of border checks at ports and airports later on.
But this would essentially be a binary choice: The Independent believes that Remain would have to be an option on the ballot paper; with the alternative being to leave on the government’s terms, such as they are. One theoretical option would be to instruct the government to go back to the negotiating table, but there would be no guarantee of a different outcome.
What if there is a deal on offer?
If, on the other hand, Theresa May secures a deal in the autumn, the the ballot could be a multi-option referendum. Justine Greening, the Tory former cabinet minister, proposed that voters should be asked to rank three options in order of preference: deal, no deal or remain. Vernon Bogdanor, David Cameron’s former tutor at Oxford, has suggested a two-stage referendum, first on leave versus remain and then, if the first vote is for leave, a second vote to choose between leaving on the terms agreed by the government and leaving without a deal.
Given that time is already running short, the idea of a double referendum, a week or two weeks (as in French presidential elections) apart, seems unlikely to gain favour. Asking the question in a single vote therefore seems most likely.
In order to ensure the pro-Brexit vote is not split (with two options for Leave but only one for Remain), a “preferential’ voting system would be essential, with voters ranking the three options in order of preference.
Which preferential voting system would be best?
There are already voting systems that allow people to express more than one preference in the UK. The Northern Ireland Assembly is elected by the Single Transferable Vote, by which voters number candidates in order of preference for multi-member constituencies. The same system is used for local elections in Northern Ireland and in Scotland. In England, directly elected mayors are elected by the Supplementary Vote, which allows voters to cast a first-preference and a second-preference vote.
Either system would be suitable for a three-option referendum. The only difference is that under STV voters mark the ballot paper with numbers, whereas under SV they mark an X in the first-preference column and another X in the second-preference column. With only three options, the counting would be the same: the option that comes last after first preferences have been counted is eliminated and its votes are transferred to the second-preference option, if the voter has marked one.
Is there still enough time for a referendum?
The other practical objection is that there is not enough time to legislate for and hold a referendum before Brexit day on 29 March. There is no denying that time is tight. It may not be until the end of the year that we have a good idea of how the Brexit negotiations are going to end. The Withdrawal Bill contains an interim deadline of 21 January, by which time, if there is no agreement, the prime minister is required to set out to parliament how she intends to proceed.
That might be the point of decision for a referendum to be held in February or early March, but it would require the legislation to be ready to go. That is why now is the time to campaign for the principle of a referendum, so that MPs can start to draft the legislation that might be needed.
The bottom line is that we don’t know exactly what form a referendum might take, because that depends on the course of the negotiations, but The Independent’s campaign is for the principle that, whatever emerges from the talks, the British people should have the final say.
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