Primary schools, British Gas and veal

Dorothy Atkinson
Friday 10 February 1995 00:02 GMT

From Dr Dorothy Atkinson Sir: Why do we waste the obvious talents of Sylvia Morris, headteacher of the Cathedral primary school in Southwark ? If we gave her adequate resources, she could do so much more for children. Her example is not unique. As governor of a local primary school, I could recount a similar story.

What sort of society are we to allow massive salaries and share preferences to some while denying the best possible education to our children? How many leaders of industry could cope with 35 six-year-olds and manage a declining budget, school premises with health and safety implications, and the other crises that occur every day in primary schools? We have, rightly, responded to the horrors of the veal trade; why are we not equally vociferous over the opportunities provided for our young children, who are, after all, our future?

Yours sincerely, Dorothy Atkinson Downley, Buckinghamshire 6 February

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