Nicole Arbour, as someone who's been fat-shamed, let me tell you: your "truth bomb" didn't work
You personify the worst of the internet. As I watched, I expected you to rip off a mask, Scooby-Doo style, to reveal an unmoderated Reddit page populated by trolls

Hi Nicole. I recently went viral because of a blog I wrote about being rejected by a Tinder date for being too fat. I want to address couple of points you made in your video, “Dear Fat People”, since I was so publicly identified as being one myself. If you don’t mind, I’ll come to them one by one.
“Fat-shaming is not a thing”
It definitely is. I know, I know you don’t want to believe it, but let me give you a little definition: fat-shaming is when people bully and undermine others for being overweight. Like, for example, making a video expressing your disgust at an overweight young man who does nothing more than sit next to you on the plane - “His FAT was in my LAAAAAP!!!!!” Yep. That’s fat-shaming, Nicole.
“If I offend you so much that you lose weight, I'm happy”/ “I hope this truth bomb works”
Oh, Nicole. Unfortunately, it really doesn't work that way.
After my blog replying to the Tinder date who told me to lose weight went viral, I was contacted by people all over the world sharing their stories. I was inundated with stories from people who've been affected by body-shaming. I've had emails from people in their seventies who were bullied in their youth and have never recovered psychologically. One man broke my heart telling me how a girl was sat next to him on a train texting her friend with her phone tilted up towards him that she was “sat next to someone FAT”.
Out of the thousands – and I mean THOUSANDS - of the messages I've received, not one was from someone who'd been bullied into making positive, healthy changes. Quite the opposite. In most cases, it either leads to people developing eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, or the people hiding themselves away to eat, and eat, and eat, putting on more and more weight because they're too frightened or embarrassed or ashamed to change. After all, why go to the gym if someone’s just going to laugh you out of the exercise class?
Because you see, Nicole, even when an overweight person tries to make a positive change, the knives are out. Overweight people are too intimidated to go running because of the abuse they suffer - like Lindsey Swift, the woman who made a Facebook post detailing all the heckling fat jokes shouted at her while she was on her morning run (and whose kick-ass response made me jiggle my jelly with joy). The amazing This Girl Can campaign was started precisely because so many women are afraid or ashamed of the way their natural bodies move. So no, Nicole. You're not helping. You're hurting.
“You don't need body positivity. Just eat well and exercise”
It's true that obesity is an epidemic in the West. But if losing weight were just a question of eating less and moving more, do you think 35% of American and 25% of Brits would still be overweight?
The concept of #BodyPositivity came about to encourage women of all shapes and sizes to love, respect and care for their bodies. Eating well and exercise is an important factor in that, but the key thing is loving your body whatever it looks like, so that you WANT to care for it. I've had emails from 12-year-old girls telling me their terrified that they might be overweight when they're older. They're not terrified of breast cancer. They're not terrified of heart disease. They've been inspired to write to a stranger because they're terrified of becoming fat because they'll be shunned by their friends, they won't get boyfriends, and they'll be judged, criticised and bullied by the ignorant, the shallow and the unkind. #BodyPositivity promotes health and happiness for everyone. What kind of a person takes against that?
“Plus size means plus heart disease”
Which nutritionist did you get these fact from, Nicole? Which dietician? Because I spoke to Lucy Aphramor, a former NHS dietician who, disillusioned with the one-size-fits-all ideal that weight-loss automatically equals better health, founded her own practice Health At Every Size which focuses on improving individuals' self-esteem to inspire them to make sustainable changes in eating and exercise behaviours without focusing on weight or size, and has produced spectacular results in some of the country's poorest and unhealthiest areas.
I also spoke to nutritionist Sophie Pelham Burn, who expressed concern that so many of her clients “assume body weight to be a proxy indicator for health, which is simply not true. Skinny does not equal healthy, neither does athleticism.”
In the UK anyone from a size 12 up is considered plus-size. Which means that the average British and American woman is plus-size. You can't judge someone's blood pressure by their size. Or their cholesterol level. Or their metabolic profile. “Plus-size” is a concept invented by high street fashion chains so that they can charge women an extra £2 for an extra inch of fabric. It has no meaning outside of Topshop.
“I saw this fat family at the airport....”
I found this portion of your video particularly grotesque. There's nothing “kind” or “encouraging” about a story describing your disgust at a family of overweight people in public. It's irredeemably, eye-wateringly cruel. You think these people can't feel the waves of disgust radiating from you, Nicole? How do you think that makes him feel?
According to the sparse knowledge I have about your life, you started dancing when you were three. That probably wasn't your decision. You were born into a family that priorities health and physical activity and that was ingrained in you from a young age. Great. But not everyone has that. The children in this family didn’t have that. How dare you attack them for it?
“I'm not saying it to be an asshole”
At the beginning of this video, you name-check the singer Kesha. Kesha spent the best part of last year in rehab recovering from anorexia and bulimia, which had been brought on in part by industry pressure to look skinny, and apparent degrading comments from her then-manager who allegedly told her she looked “like a fat fucking refrigerator”. She wrote on the subject: “I felt like part of my job was to be as skinny as possible, and to make that happen, I had been abusing my body. I just wasn’t giving it the energy it needed to keep me healthy and strong. My brain told me to just suck it up and press on, but in my heart I knew that something had to change.... I had to learn to treat my body with respect.”
In this video, you personify the worst of the internet. As I watched, I expected you to rip off a mask, Scooby-Doo style, to reveal an unmoderated Reddit page, overrun by trolls, meninists and health concern fascists.
You didn't make this video for the 35%. You didn't make it for that family at the airport, who I hope don't recognise you and realise it's them you're talking about. You made it for others like you. The girls who text their friends that they're “sat next to someone FAT”, the men on Tinder who criticise a woman's body if she won't send him nudes. It's not satire, Nicole. It's bullying. It's hate speech.
In short, yes you are being an asshole. And you haven’t silenced me into skinniness yet.
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