Listen, mes enfants, to the deceitful lessons of history

Simon Carr
Tuesday 24 August 1993 23:02 BST

NOW, students, a most regrettable period of our illustrious history here in Japan. It is a period of shame, deception, yes, of dishonour, a time of betrayal that we as students must never allow to happen again.

For those who do not remember history will be condemned by its repetition. The lesson shows what bestiality there is beneath the carapace of culture.

It is difficult to accept that the so-civilised people around us - playing golf with our fathers, selling dresses to our sisters - could sink to such a level and commit the acts that we must now consider.

Were they responsible for their actions - or were they temporarily insane?

For they are moving among us now as though their past had happened to, or been made to happen by, someone else.

As citizens of the empire we may feel one thing, but as citizens of the world we must also salvage the facts as they happened or we will be lost in a long night of wilful blindness.

So listen well, little grasshoppers: during the early part of the century, our foreign investment programme in Hawaii was already making great progress and our many great hotels were already the hospitality centres of the world, and it is regrettable to say that they were regarded with envious eyes by recent invaders from New York and California.

The port of the islands was called Pearl Harbor and it was here that the old ships of the US Navy came to be demolished when their time of usefulness was over. The American economy had been so destroyed by the nation's lack of competitiveness that it was forced to put the demolition process out for competitive tender and, of course, our own contractors won the business with a very good quote.

We have all the seen the pictures of the spectacular solution our engineers devised to America's problem of disposing of its superannuated shipping. Indeed, we have all seen the pictures of the work programmes we later developed for unemployed British labourers in Burma and Singapore (we were very shocked at the diet they had been kept on by their feudal overseers - as a result of which many failed to complete their apprenticeships).

But the cost of these programmes was never met by either Britain or the United States, despite frequent reminders. We discovered that if you push these barbarous cultures for payment too sternly, they become dangerously irrational; this leads to loss of innocent life among our people.

We've all seen those pictures, too.

The lesson to be followed in our future dealings with these bulky, incompetent and once-powerful economies is that none of them has the means or inclination to face reality.

And this is expressed even in their geography - you know that their maps of the world do not show anything of the rightful Imperial possessions anywhere in Asia.

FAITES attention] It is incredible to my mind that, yes, it is happening all over again. We never seem to learn from history, we navely expect that a country which has proven so often what it is made of will act properly, honourably for once.

But it is ridicuIous to expect England to do anything other than cut and run. Can chickens roar? Can weasels fight? Can the English pay their debts?

We expect them to behave decently - they betray us continually with cowardice, treachery, collaboration with the enemy and gutless depreciations of their currency.

They are bent on bringing the whole structure of Europe crashing around them so they can defecate in the ruins - this has been their master plan since 1066.

Their disgusting political establishment is arrogant, intransigent and corrupt, and its ridiculous currency has vandalised the monetary system that was to unite us all in a fraternity which would abolish national conflicts.

Every time they act the same, and yet every time we give them the benefit of the doubt - despite being crushed in 1815, 1918 and 1940, and the Gulf war - the cowardice of the English troops (shoot them, someone]). While France was left to save the world for civilisation by taming the Germans, the Iraqis, the Argentines and bringing them to heel, the English sell them munitions and flee with their tails beteen their filthy, spindly legs.

Now, they cannot betray their allies militarily because no one will fight on their side - so they do it economically, financially, commercially. They chicken it, they wimp it, they blame others.

Nor do they wash, or like women, and their primitive agriculture techniques are holding back the entire Common Agricultural Policy.

Enough, mes enfants, is enough.

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