Wearing a poppy is a big deal for many people – we should respect that

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Friday 10 November 2017 18:09 GMT
Do not politicise Remembrance Day, do not politicise the wearing of a poppy this Sunday
Do not politicise Remembrance Day, do not politicise the wearing of a poppy this Sunday (Getty)

In regards to John Lubbock’s article, “If you voted to leave the EU, don’t bother wearing a poppy”.

Remembrance Day and the wearing of a poppy means a great deal to me and millions of other people in this country. We respect, honour and remember all of those people who gave their lives fighting in wars for the freedom of this country, and the sacrifices they made for our freedom. For what it’s worth, this ultimate sacrifice was made by members of my own family.

It is irrespective of anything else, including politics, race, gender and . None of that is relevant. Remembrance Day is also not about the glorification of war, far from it. Do not politicise Remembrance Day, do not politicise the wearing of a poppy this Sunday.

I’m all for free speech as long as it doesn’t insult and offend people. You can argue against Remembrance Day and the wearing of a poppy all day long, that’s fine if that’s what you believe – that’s your right – but do not insult those millions of people who have sacrificed their own lives for our freedom. Also don’t tell me what I can or can’t do with regards to wearing a poppy this Sunday. I don’t need you to tell me how to think or what to do, an all too common liberal trait.

Lawrence Pett

In support of not wearing a poppy

John Lubbock has just said what I feel. That too often the poppy is bought for show and not to support the RBL. At the same time, so many Brexit supporters are not aware that our armed forces could be seriously cut if Brexit tanks the economy.

Ian Hall

Boris Johnson has no real sway in what happens to Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe

I don’t see how our Foreign Secretary getting the facts wrong yet again will make things worse for Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe.

Unfortunately the time she spends imprisoned will not be determined by the evidence but by whatever political games are being played out in Iran. The regime will use Johnson’s gaffe as propaganda but it will make little practical difference to the outcome. On our own we have little leverage over Iran and even less influence over US policy in the region.

If we were to pressurise Iran as part of an EU initiative, that could to produce real results. However, that’s as likely as Boris Johnson telling the truth on Brexit.

Jack Liebeskind

Can’t tell fiction from reality

There are some good fiction-based political dramas on UK and international TV these days. Then there is the actual daily news – appearing in both UK newspapers and TV programmes.

I’m not sure if it’s just me, but I’m finding it increasingly hard to distinguish fact from fiction at the moment.

Howard Rodgers

EU nationals are still worried

The stories shared by New Europeans founder Roger Casale (Letters, 8 November) are a powerful reminder of the anxiety people are suffering from the Government’s “human poker” approach to Brexit negotiations. These are people who work with us, provide vital services, and contribute to our economy and community.

EU citizens in the UK – and UK citizens elsewhere in the EU – must have the right to remain. It should be given by Britain unilaterally, and without being subject to the Brexit settlement. I am particularly concerned that the scary prospect of a “no deal” Brexit, with no right to remain, has been put forward by politicians who must know better.

The Government has proved itself incapable of treating people with human dignity in the Brexit negotiations. It is time for a new approach.

The Prime Minister should bring together a “Team UK” negotiating team that genuinely represents all of the country. It would provide a seat for every UK nation at the table, all the main parties, as well as business and unions.

That way we could finally do what should have been done from the start: give our friends, neighbours and co-workers a unilateral guarantee of their right to remain. And we could get on with the realities of the negotiation – protecting jobs, investment and workers’ rights.

Frances O’Grady, general secretary, Trades Union Congress

NHS fines should apply to hospital staff too

If GPs fine patients for reneging on their appointments, surely patients could fine GPs for keeping them waiting for ages for their appointment (and then only sparing them five minutes while advising them to make a new appointment for any other problems)?

Name and address supplied

Perhaps missed appointments give our GPs some time to catch up on the backlog of patients waiting in the surgery. Seven minutes per patient is not nearly enough time for a proper consultation. Just saying!

M Harris

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