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We need to radically rethink our attitude towards higher taxes

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Sunday 30 June 2024 17:38 BST
Once they win, Labour can start to treat us like adults and explain how we will all need to play our part in the task ahead
Once they win, Labour can start to treat us like adults and explain how we will all need to play our part in the task ahead (PA )

As the day approaches when we get to choose how we want to be governed, maybe it’s time to rethink our attitude towards taxation.

The Conservative obsession with lowering taxes has been followed (unwillingly but necessarily) by Labour. And the “high taxes bad – low taxes good” mantra has become an article of faith. Instead, we could think of taxes not as a necessary evil, but as the cost of having a decent society – the price for investing in ourselves and enjoying a standard of public services taken for granted by so many other countries that we should consider to be our peers. And clearly the burden of taxation must be shared fairly, with those who have the means to do so shouldering their share of the load.

It’s unfortunate that the debate has sunk to the playground level of Conservatives taunting Labour as to which taxes they will raise, while Labour keeps resolutely quiet. But I can accept the rationale – Labour must win in order to begin the slow task of rebuilding the fabric of our society and our nation. I do hope that after they have won, Labour can start to treat us like grown-ups and explain how we will all need to play our part in the task ahead.

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