Trips to visit the Lindley Library
From Mr David Wheeler Sir I oppose the proposed move of the Royal Horticultural Society's Lindley Library to its garden at Wisley. For the vast majority of the society's members, who do not live in that corner of Surrey (and, indeed, for some that do), the moving of the library from Vincent Square can only cause upheaval, delays and expense.
I write as someone whose own needs of the library are considerable, but more importantly I write as the editor of an international journal, many of whose authors live in remote parts of the British Isles and abroad.
While each of us can manage reasonably straightforward visits to London (and work profitably in other libraries on the same trip) we shall be thwarted if we are forced to add to our itineraries an uncomfortable (and otherwise fruitless) journey to Wisley.
Yours sincerely, DAVID WHEELER Editor, Hortus: A Garden Journal Stapleton, Hertfordshire
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