The Tories have given us an uncertain future, now Britain needs change

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Friday 12 May 2023 17:55 BST
The government’s selection of chaoses to fix misses the target by miles
The government’s selection of chaoses to fix misses the target by miles (PA)

Rishi Sunak and the Tories can’t possibly hold the high ground when asking us to believe that they are winning the battle to reduce inflation, fix the chaos in the NHS, and “stop the boats”. It is under their 13-year tenure that we are in this unenviable position.

His selection of chaoses to fix misses the target by miles. Instead, we want a safe environment in which to live and laws that are equitable. Stop the eye-watering waste of taxpayers’ money on HS2, sending asylum seekers to Rwanda and handouts to its wealthy donors in the 1 per cent.

Honesty and transparency are needed in governance, not U-turns and broken promises. Most of all give Britain a future of which to be proud. We live in uncertain times, only made more difficult by the Tory’s mismanagement and incompetence.

Our government has exhibited, for over 13 years, such disdain for the public’s needs.

Britain needs change, but who to choose at the next election? Does Labour have the right policies and politicians to lead Britain to a better place? Are we to spend even more time in the wilderness with an uncertain future?

Keith Poole


Does Starmer truly want Labour to win?

If Labour really wants to win the next general election then Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner should do a swap. Rayner has charisma aplenty, as against Starmer’s almost total lack. It’s time the Labour Party had a female leader and presented us with the chance of a leader very different from Margaret Thatcher, Theresa May or Liz Truss.

Rayner would be a huge vote winner. Does Starmer want Labour to win, or is he only interested in winning himself?

Ian K Watson


The public has been misled for too long

On the issue of Brexit, our government has misled the public by continually changing policy. Moreover, misleading statements like those made by Penny Mordaunt, leader of the Commons, regarding Turkey, have only added to the issue over time.

They are now just trying to avoid any embarrassing U-turns or highlighting again the splits within the party.

What we really need is power restored to local communities and that can only happen with a Labour-led government under Keir Starmer.

Geoffrey Brooking


Why would anyone now trust this government?

Not long ago we were promised that everything, including the NHS, would be just fine when we leave the EU. Now we are being told that all will be well, including a tax cut, when we get all those over-55s back into work.

That won’t happen and I wonder what else will not lead to Britannia being unchained although they swore blind it would. Oh yes, the bonfire of all those pesky EU laws that made our lives so bad. Not happening, is it? It beggars belief that anyone trusts anything emanating from this government!

Robert Boston


The government’s newest endeavour is another con

If ever we needed proof that the current government will do or say anything to con the voting public we have the announcement today that work and pensions secretary Mel Stride is going to get 650, 000 back to work and when he does that, they will cut income tax by 2p.

In the extremely unlikely event he succeeds in this endeavour, would the extra money not be better spent investing in our broken economy?

Geoff Forward


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