Theresa May's trousers show her disconnect from the struggling electorate

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Tuesday 13 December 2016 15:22 GMT
Prime Minister Theresa May
Prime Minister Theresa May (PA wire)

Whilst I feel it indelicate to debate Theresa May's wardrobe, I take issue with Rosa Wei-Ling Chang (Letters). The matter is symptomatic of the position displayed by many in Westminster living in a parallel universe and whose disposable incomes are light years distant from those upon whom the country depends.

I await governance from those whose words, deeds and life style express sympathy, empathy and solidarity with the rest of us, and whose policies – whether allegedly framed in a Christian context or not, treat individuals neither as pawns to be used to manage the economy, nor bargaining collateral for Brexit.

John McLorinan

I don't know where your researchers obtained suit prices, but a quick look at the M&S website shows men's suits for less than 100 pounds. This is perfect for the image of the truly caring politician.

For May to choose to wear clothing that reeks of exclusivity, i.e. a pair of trousers costing as much as months’ earnings for many, is inviting criticism.

Once more we have an example of how out of touch many of our elected leaders are.

Steve Edmondson

Hurrah for Grace Dent

I must applaud the article from Grace Dent outlining the inexorable rise of exotic seafood species on our plates.

Unfortunately I envisage a lot of resistance to such a fundamental change.

After all I myself recall clearly, not so many years ago, individuals who still lamented the demise of fish & chips in newspaper. Moving to the present day I know of people who yearn for "proper" saveloys and pickled eggs which allegedly have gone the way of soggy old local papers.

Is it not ironic that Scotland might end up with the cod but very few of the anti EU zealots who shall remain in England eating squid and chips?

Robert Boston

It was really gratifying to notice that Grace Dent has noticed the marked and curious correlation between Brexiteers and climate change deniers. I'm relieved because I thought I was imagining it.

Madeleine Harvey

House building is not all that it seems

The three London Boroughs (including Kensington where I live) which are said to have the most house building are building flats for the super-rich.

These are not homes for people on the average wage nor for those with considerably more. The small amount of affordable housing built is affordable for a minority. Rented accommodation is either very expensive or substandard. Families are forced to leave central London and the new properties are investments not homes.

P.J. Manasseh
London, SW7

The world is becoming an Orwellian farce

As the year closes, it has been scarcely original to note growing similarities between Orwell's 1984 and Trump's America: Orwell's "proles" diverted by mindless entertainment and the uneducated celebrity obsessed masses for whom Trump professed love, Orwellian "doublespeak" and Trumpian untruths, the dissemination or tweeting of fake news, the extreme denigration of opponents, the elevation of a big brother figure, the distortion of language, etc.

But now comes another Orwellian trope. When Trump takes Taiwan's call and provokes mainland China, when he further flatters the Kremlin by dismissing allegations of interference in US democratic processes, he reminds the world of the manipulated shifting alliances between the three fictional super-states of Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia.

Readers of the classic will recall that Orwell's Britain was "Airstrip One" and had been absorbed by "Oceania". A fitting prediction of a hard BREXIT nation reliant on a Trumpian dystopia?

Steven Fogel
London, NW11

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