The UK Government needs to get a grip and stand up to President Trump
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I wasn’t surprised to see Donald Trump retweeting anti-Muslim hate-filled propaganda. The man seems to be losing his mind.
But what had astonished me the most was to see the British Government’s statement that the planned state visit is still intact.
What else should he do to have the UK authorities act with some level of courage and dignity and tell Trump he is not welcomed there?
It is shameful and utterly irresponsible for Theresa May to still be looking forward to welcoming a man who is filled with hatred.
In doing so, Prime Minister May has also demonstrated that she doesn’t give a damn about the peaceful and law abiding citizens who contribute to British society.
Abubakar N Kasim
Toronto, Ontario
It is truly sad to see America losing its way
The direction of nations is influenced by their leaders – and it seems America is losing its way. Trump’s tweets that allegedly highlight criminality of some Muslims while ignoring the same and more frequent criminal behaviour of people of other faiths (or no faith), seems to be a deliberate attempt to stir up chaos, hatred and conflict in a world already mired with problems.
Perhaps the President of the US is unaware of the repercussions of his conduct; either way, American leadership is no longer promoting inclusivity and unity. This is truly sad.
Usman Khan
Good on Theresa for standing up to Trump
Well said on Trump – at last – Theresa. Probably kiss goodbye to your trade deals though, but they were tarnished anyway!
Alan Mackay
East Lothian
May’s conundrum
Theresa May appears to be upsetting everyone. Those who wanted to remain in the European Union upset over paying a large sum to leave. Those who voted to leave when one of the main reasons to leave was not to pay huge sums of money to Brussels. Theresa May in charge of negotiations to leave the EU when she voted to remain.
You could not make this up!
Philip Pound
The Magic Money Tree is living up to its name
50 billion quid suddenly appeared on “The Magic Money Tree” – it’s really living up to its name. Its magic knows no bounds as it can control which branch yields its fruit... Brexit branch thriving; NHS and most other branches withering and pruned... and its tax-based roots given the bonsai treatment. Utterly useless “gardeners”!
Robin Le Mare
We all know who is really going to pay for Brexit
I fail to understand why people say we should support Theresa May because she has a “difficult” job. She has no actual qualifications to do that job, she is told what to say and what to do by advisers, who do not themselves have any appropriate qualifications in many cases.
Her ministers are inept and they are inept because they don’t possess the qualifications to do their jobs: Jeremy Hunt is a prime example and look at the mess he’s making. Likewise David Davis. People like public sector workers have difficult jobs, are qualified to do them in most cases, undertake training/education and look how she’s treated them, along with her predecessor.
Now we have Brexit: first the lies about money going back into the NHS. Now the divorce bill. Anyone considered how we, the true taxpayers (as opposed to dodgers/evaders) will pay for this? If these people are still in power, it will be paid for by huge cuts in services that are already at breaking point.
R Kimble
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