Those who have shielded from Covid deserve better than the crass remark from Sajid Javid
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I am compelled to write to you regarding the crass and ill-thought out remark from Sajid Javid about “cowering” from Covid-19.
I took voluntary redundancy from a senior manager post in further education in May 2016 in order to care for my mother who suffers chronic osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). A year after finishing work to care full time for my mum, I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, the treatment for which makes me extremely critically vulnerable.
Since January 2020, I have done all that is required to ensure both the safety of my mum and myself. We have followed the government guidelines to the absolute letter and are still in our own version of lockdown due to the infection rates in Northumberland.
Mr Javid, we have never “cowered” from this virus and all of its variants! We have met this with stoic fortitude and resolve not to let the virus take us away.
I am thoroughly dismayed and ashamed of this thoroughly shambolic and inept road we have been taken along by your government! And now, to have the health secretary of all people suggesting we are cowering from the virus. How dare you sir!
Graeme Brown
Address supplied
Water works
Bel Trew is right to state that future wars in the Middle East will be fought over water rather than oil. The accessibility, affordability and quality of water should be a fundamental human right.
Mass displacement, conflicts, persecution, exclusion, discrimination, deprivation, human rights violations, inequalities and sudden onset disasters such as the flooding witnessed in parts of western Europe are impediments to safe and clean water. Governments have to provide sanitation, hygiene and clean water for their peoples.
Dr Munjed Farid Al Qutob
Staff roles
I agree with your editorial on the importance of treating employees better if productivity is to be increased. However, over many years of working across multiple sectors, it has become blindingly clear that those that aspire to leadership do so on the assumption of advancement, but do little to appreciate how much of a profession, with trainable skills and capabilities, it really is.
Despite years of management thinking, leadership development and libraries full of leadership books, leaders are still plucked for their technical capability and completely unequipped to do the job. They often have neither the soft skills nor the business acumen needed to support their staff.
I know that technology is often underinvested in, but nowhere near as impoverished as Human Resources, which is there to ensure organisations get the best out of their staff. If you want to treat employees better, you have to invest and appreciate HR.
Laura Dawson
Thanks to Japan
I’ve just seen highlights of the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony. I was moved. There were inspiring reminders and demonstrations of Japan’s contributions to human culture. Especially notable was the moment of implicit celebration of those who didn’t make the team. In important ways of course. such athletes do indeed “make the team” and fully deserve to be acknowledged, respected and included.
Thank you Japan.
Tom McNeeney
Bishop’s Stortford
Road map
Why is there still opposition to road improvements if all cars are going to be electric?
Jeff Seagrave
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