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We’re tired of MPs over-promising and under-achieving – when will we have honesty in politics?

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Thursday 31 August 2023 13:27 BST
I am looking forward to the day when our government means what it says and is strong enough to say ‘sorry we got it wrong’
I am looking forward to the day when our government means what it says and is strong enough to say ‘sorry we got it wrong’ (PA Wire)

I think it was Groucho Marx who said, “If you don’t like those principles, I’ve got others”. And MPs are commonly guilty of this affliction.

Much of what MPs say, especially the Tories, is just verbiage meant to fill a TV or radio soundbite. When challenged on substance they will waffle, duck, and dive or simply lie, in order to eke out their time on air. It’s rare to hear or see a principled MP anymore. Those that do take the time to offer an opinion do so as a self-aggrandisement and their opinion will change as required to please their audience.

It happens to all MPs, no matter what hue, but unfortunately, it appears to be infiltrating the Labour Party of late. I do hope that when we see the Labour manifesto there will categorical proposals for the betterment of the British people which the party can substantiate and achieve as promised.

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