Letters: A Fond Farewell

As we say goodbye to the print version of The Independent, a few readers share their parting words 

Saturday 26 March 2016 14:27 GMT
The launch of the first issue of The Independent in 1986
The launch of the first issue of The Independent in 1986

I am delighted that you will be publishing readers’ letters in your digital edition. I can continue to display my vanity online now.

Mick Humphreys


Hope to be able to keep up with the online version on my ancient PC. Not sure about apps – but will have a go.

Jenny Bryer

It is with great sadness, after 30 years of purchasing the Independent that we see the last paper version of this august publication tomorrow. We have, with some trepidation, decided to "trial" the online version and hope that it will present us with the same sensible outlook, rooted in this uncertain world that we have grown used to.

Cindy Brown

We have looked forward to our day starting with breakfast and half of your newspaper each since the paper's earliest days. Unfortunately this is coming to an end as, so far, we have not succeeded in dividing a tablet computer in two.

Guy Woolley


The last printed edition was excellent and I shall be keeping it intact and in pride of place in that safe area everyone has.

Robert Boston


Please send letters to letters@independent.co.uk

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