Letter: I want to be an engineer

G. Tingey
Sunday 03 November 1996 01:02 GMT

The situation for engineers is actually considerably worse than you say ("Boeing poaches engineers" and "Who wants to be an engineer?", Business, 27 October). Much is made of the waste of "youth unemployment", but even well-qualified engineers are finding it difficult to get jobs. I should know, I'm one. You would think that a qualified teacher, who has 18-plus years experience in industrial research and development, an HNC in electronics, a BSc in physics, and an MSc in engineering would get work, wouldn't you? Wrong.

I count myself lucky to get occasional work as a word processing operator or in desktop publishing for pounds 6.50 per hour. There is a reason for this. Although it is only two years since I did my MSc, I am obviously over the hill and too old to learn - I am 50 years old.

Why bother with a good education then? What a waste.

G Tingey

London E17

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