It’s time for Starmer to get off the fence on Brexit
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Yes, Suella Braverman’s complete denial of the negative effects of Brexit was characteristically absurd.
But how disappointing to hear Sir Keir Starmer tell LBC “of course Brexit had an impact”, but then go on to say: “That doesn’t mean that I am advocating a reversal of Brexit. I am not. I have always said there is no case now for going back.” Why is he saying there is no case now for going back, and not advocating a reversal of Brexit?
As per Sean O’Grady, only the delusional believe the chaos wasn’t down to Brexit and the consequences of Britain leaving the European Union have panned out mostly in a rather depressing way.
Adding 0.08 per cent to annual GDP growth in joining the Asia-Pacific trade pact, Brexit having caused a 4 per cent drop, is not a benefit; no matter how Braverman, Rees-Mogg and others might seek to dishonestly persuade us otherwise?
So why are generally sensible senior politicians on both sides of the house refusing now to be honest with the British public in acknowledging the clearly negative consequences of Brexit?
It is time for Starmer to get off the fence, tell us how Brexit really is and advocate a reversal of the Brexit decision.
Nick Eastwell
End the silence on important matters
I agree with many of The Independent’s columnists and most of the letter writers about the incompetence and callousness of recent Tory governments, especially the last two home secretaries.
But, as an enthusiastic (not tired) “Bremainer”, I would say that the voters who took us out of Europe were deluded and perplexed because they were, and are, lied to.
And while there is some sense in Thumper’s mother’s philosophy of saying nothing if you can’t say something nice, it isn’t appropriate in all circumstances. It’s often quoted (though probably erroneously attributed to Edmund Burke) that all that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good men (and, nowadays, women) to do nothing.
If we want things to change, if we want a competent government, elected by a fair voting system, we must say so, loudly and often.
Susan Alexander
South Gloucestershire
Don’t rewrite Lawson’s history out of politeness
I know we should not speak ill of the dead, but I was livid this morning reading about what a wonderful chancellor Nigel Lawson was.
They must have forgotten he was in charge for six of the worst years for this country’s economy (unless you happened to have a million or two hanging around). Rampant inflation and record interest rates, not to mention millions of houses re-possessed leaving their occupants homeless. I should know; I was one of the latter.
He was also in charge of privatisation, raking in billions of pounds for the treasury, yet he still couldn’t make an annual budget surplus in any one of his six years in charge. Another Tory chancellor who increased the national debt.
Tony B
Nobody is immune to the effects of Covid
In response to James Moore’s recent article: we should all be concerned about segregating people into vulnerable/not at risk categories, because only a collective response will be sufficient.
No one is immune from the damage to health caused by repeated Covid infections. Covid does not care whether you are young, old, a film star, sports celebrity, musician, rich or poor; everyone is at risk. If not today, then at some point in the future.
We need to move away from the vulnerable/not at-risk dichotomy. Covid will catch everyone, everywhere, eventually. It is a life and death issue for some today, but recognising that we are all in the same boat will help these people now, and everyone else in the future.
Dr Jane Boyd
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