Palestinian and Israeli women are saying no to unilateral annexation. They refuse to be blinded by hate

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Wednesday 01 July 2020 17:48 BST
Jared Kushner says he's read '25 books' on Israel-Palestine after Trump peace plan criticised

As the UN charter marks its 75th anniversary, the most protracted conflict in the world is taking a most dangerous turn with the announcement of Israel’s plan to annex large and vital parts of Palestinian territory on the basis of the Trump Middle East plan which contradicts the internationally agreed parameters for peace and international law. Such a move would unravel half a century of efforts for peace in the region and the vision of two sovereign states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, based on the pre-1967 borders, with far-reaching consequences.

It is in this context, and on this 20th anniversary of the adoption of security council resolution 1325 on women, peace and security, that Israeli and Palestinian women reminded the world why it was so important to hear and heed the voices of women in situations of conflict. We have received urgent appeals against annexation sent by both Palestinian and Israeli women. Their strong appeals, while separate and distinct, have in common a sense of shared humanity, and a common rejection of subjugation and discrimination, oppression and violence.

Both appeals are grounded in international law and in the landmark resolution 1325 which calls for protection of civilians, notably women and girls, noting the critical importance of women’s voices and meaningful participation in conflict resolution and peace negotiations when it comes to ensuring durable peace and building a just and hopeful future for both peoples based on respect for international law and accountability.

Their voices resonate as they stress that annexation is an existential threat to Palestinians, to Israelis, to regional stability and to an already fragile global order. We must not leave their appeal unanswered as they ask for our “support and engagement in a global partnership to save the prospect for a just, equal, and lasting resolution to the conflict”, for the wellbeing of present and future generations. They remind us that we have “the power of our collective will to challenge aggression, coercion, and violence and to end impunity and injustice so freedom and peace can prevail”.

Annexation is a breach of international law and the UN charter, and of UN security council and general assembly resolutions. It contravenes the fundamental international norm banning the acquisition of territory by force and aims at perpetuating the illegal Israeli settlement enterprise, entrenching occupation instead of ending it. It will severely jeopardise the prospect of regional peace, security and stability with grave implications for the Palestinian and Israeli peoples, but also for Jordan and the wider region. It will fragment Palestinian land and effectively consecrate Palestinian enclaves under permanent Israeli military control.

The dignity and rights of the Palestinian people, the ability of Israel to be an integral and accepted part of the region, regional peace, security and prosperity and the wider international rules-based order are at stake. Annexation cannot go unchallenged, and strong international engagement is needed more than ever, including through effective measures to deter illegal unilateral actions, and achieve just and lasting peace.

We support the Palestinian and Israeli women’s call against unilateral annexation and back their efforts to prevent its disastrous consequences. It was conceived almost entirely by men without any reference to the diverse perspectives of women. We must be guided by the humanity and resolve of courageous women who have suffered greatly from the conflict and yet refuse to be blinded by hate. Their words envision the future the region needs and deserves. Our actions must help this vision prevail.


Micheline Calmy-Rey, former president, Switzerland; Tarja Halonen, former president, Finland; Roza Otunbayeva, former president, Kyrgyzstan; Mary Robinson, former UN commissioner for Human Rights and former president, Ireland; Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Nobel Peace Laureate, former president, Liberia; and 38 others

Don’t make friends with a bully

By passing the Hong Kong security law, China has shown contempt for international agreements. In fact, it has nothing but contempt for anything that is outside of its narrow ideology – just look at what they are doing to the Uighurs. It is a bully, a tyrant and everyone knows how to deal with a bully – stand up to them.

Surely it is past time for us to show some international leadership and impose economic sanctions – yes, look for an international consensus, but if it can’t be found then we must act unilaterally. Every dollar of trade is a dollar in the hands of an oppressive regime.

When you find yourself in bed with an abuser, the sooner you get out the better.

Angela Lee

Excellent work

Not for the first time I must write to praise Dave Brown for his latest cartoon. It is absolutely brilliant. And utterly vicious. The details are wonderful, from the Union Jack underpants to the peanuts on the loser’s side of the table and his handful of jokers as against his opponent, brilliantly portrayed, with all the cards in his hand and his winnings – so far – stacked up in front of him. Promise you will never let Dave Brown go.

Rosemary Mathew


Vince Cable talks about Labour and the Lib Dems working together in a future government. It’s a pity that the affinity he feels now wasn’t demonstrated when the Lib Dems went into coalition with David Cameron, thus alienating voters who voted Lib Dem strategically with the intention of keeping the Tories out of power. It will take a long time for such voters to trust the Lib Dems with their votes in the future.

Patrick Cleary

Litter bugs

I have just watched an item about the gross, damaging littering that has taken place over the weekend and which has been building up since the pandemic began. A simple message: the antics of this inept, corrupt government – Johnson, Cummings, Jenrick, Hancock et al – and the toxic manipulations of the facts do not give you permission to behave like them. My local park at Kirkstall Abbey looks like a rubbish tip. It’s an utter disgrace. Don’t lower yourselves to their toxic level.

T Maunder

Get close

Is it true or is it just rumour that there’s a plan to reduce social distancing on Love Island to 1mm?

Anthony Bron

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