Will Hurricane Harvey show Trump that climate change exists?

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Saturday 26 August 2017 16:59 BST
Hurricane Harvey causes havoc in Corpus Christi, Texas
Hurricane Harvey causes havoc in Corpus Christi, Texas (Courtney Sacco/Corpus Christi Caller-Times via AP)

President Trump can now witness the ferocious power of nature at a time when has consistently been wrapped in a cloak of skepticism and denial about climate change. The world is reaching a tipping point. No country is immune from the repercussions of hurricanes, floods, torrential rain, cyclones. However, these offer an opportunity for governments, corporations and investors to invent a low carbon footprint that is conducive for sustainable growth, economy, investment, development and employment within our planetary contours.

Climate change affects mostly the poor, the impoverished, the disenfranchised, the vulnerable and the downtrodden who are at the bottom of the ladder. Also, floods have other health risks. Contaminated rubbish bins are hotbeds of rodents and rats plagues. Rats are transmitters of potentially lethal diseases, bacteria, viruses; conveyors of lethal illnesses, are poisonous. Just one rat can breed up to 6000 rats up to a two or three year age. This itself poses risks to human health, security, safety and the environment. President Trump should take a note and work with other nations to avert a climate catastrophe before its impacts become irrevocable.

Dr Munjed Farid Al Qutob

Deporting a man to a dangerous situation shows how this government views immigration

The column “Petition launched for Afghan man facing deportation despite death threats from Taliban” illustrates perfectly how in denial this Government appears to be regarding immigration and shows up the lethally toxic campaign put forward for Brexit at the time of the referendum. The whole thing was cobbled together by David Cameron, who firmly believed the result would be to stay in the EU. Not enough preparation time was given to putting together truthful and positive reasons for staying or leaving and an impossible verdict was returned. Hence David Cameron washed his hands of the whole affair and walked away.

This poor man should not be deported to certain death. He has done nothing but lead a decent life since he managed, against all the odds to get here. It is disgraceful treatment in a so- called compassionate country.

Brenda M Mears
Address supplied

I think that is very sad that people feel that they are no longer welcome in the United Kingdom,

Although the vote to leave was marginally more, still a vast number wanted to remain, I know of many who voted leave would if asked again vote to remain, it truly is a sad indictment of our society

James O'Sullivan
West Sussex

We need to instil confidence in our children

In regard to the article on girls needing to be perfect online. Forget trying to stop our children going online. In my day it was still the cool crowd who dominated and they had no internet. Now the internet just expands the reach.

Instead, nurture our children's confidence and self esteem. Support them in being strong, confident individuals. Let them be happy in their own skins.

Then, and only then, will they be lifted beyond the petty and hurtful sniping and vitriol that so damages on social media.

Don't proscribe, enable.

John Sinclair

Our global credibility is crumbling

The answer to James Moore’s question is a resounding no. (Britain has been judged by the UN to be failing on disability. Is there nothing that can't crumble under the Tories?)

The most significant thing that’s “crumbled” – crashed – imploded – sunk without a trace, is Britain’s global credibility.

Like other social failures under the Tories, our treatment of disabled people is hurtling back to the stone ages. And those who put Britain’s social woes into the EU basket, along with the curse of straight bananas, will now have to look elsewhere. Pretty soon – as Brexodus picks up pace – there will be fewer immigrants left to blame. Also fewer hard working EU immigrants to pay taxes, start up businesses, attend UK universities, work in the care system…

Pretty soon we’ll run out of scapegoats and then who will we blame for our failure to turn around entrenched inequality, poor national health, failing schools in working class communities, nationally catastrophic personal debt levels?

Maybe its all the fault of Japanese knot weed…

Amanda Baker

Are driverless trucks possible with our current road system?

I was pleased to read your editorial promoting the positives whilst recognising the effects of driverless trucks and other vehicles.

The capacity of our road and rail networks are, however, still being starved of investment to meet the demands of a modern transport system and autonomous gridlock is not the vision we seek.

Government needs to sort out the energy strategy for a modern UK, improve highways for vehicles, cycles, and pedestrians before we suffer another broadband-like problem of lots of demand and technology but no way to use it.

At the very least these systems demand good surfaces with clear markings. Most of ours are worn out.

This will happen in 10 years. If you look at what our government has achieved in the last 10, no-one will invest in the UK, because most other countries will offer better policies and collaboration to make it happen. It will be like the early age of the car with metaphorical red flags and pedestrian pace.

I like the vision though...

Michael Mann

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