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The government’s response to the Greenpeace stunt was disproportionate

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Saturday 05 August 2023 14:09 BST
We are told that Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Our indescribably stupid government sets its sights on staying in power while our planet burns
We are told that Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Our indescribably stupid government sets its sights on staying in power while our planet burns (PA Wire)

I am completely in favour of Greenpeace’s shrouding in black of one of the prime minister’s homes in protest at his despicable anti-environmental actions. Nobody was harmed, nobody was deliberately intimidated.

They made this peaceful point at an empty house. I am thankful to such people for trying their best to highlight the suicidal stupidity of promoting policies that will accelerate the catastrophic destruction of the Earth and everything that lives on this jewel of a planet.

But what does environment minister Thérèse Coffey do in response? Why, she blacklists Greenpeace. On this crass, idiotic move, words fail me.

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