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The Tories may have shot themselves in the foot with the desperate supermajority scaremongering

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Monday 24 June 2024 18:36 BST
The Tories’ attempts to warn voters against giving Labour a supermajority could result in more people opting for smaller parties
The Tories’ attempts to warn voters against giving Labour a supermajority could result in more people opting for smaller parties (POOL/AFP via Getty)

The Tories’ latest wheeze in scaremongering is to raise fears of a Labour supermajority. That’s a bit rich coming from a political party that supports the first-past-the-post electoral system, which makes possible such a result.

Nevertheless, it’s a tactic that might work in getting the many still-undecided voters to prevent the Tories from being hammered at the general election. Their aim, as highlighted in Monday’s editorial, now is to gain enough MPs to mount an effective opposition to Labour – a role that they should find easy to fulfil having gained experience in opposing their own government!

On the other hand, the Tories have proved such an unruly lot that in raising fears of a Labour supermajority they are more likely to encourage undecided voters to vote for another party, such as the Liberal Democrats, to form the official opposition. Especially as it’s a loathing of the Tories – not a fear of Labour – that seems to be the persuading factor in how floating voters intend to vote.

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