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In politics, as in life, violence is never the solution

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Sunday 14 July 2024 18:48 BST
The US must step back from the brink, before tensions boil over
The US must step back from the brink, before tensions boil over (AP)

I agree with Alan Duncan’s measured assessment of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

In a political climate that seems increasingly fraught, it is more important than ever that we not respond with mindless violence and retribution when settling our differences. Regardless of his motives, the man who fired at the former president was on track to increase political tensions the moment he decided to enact his fateful plan. There simply is no version of events wherein brutality and violence against a state official, or candidate – or anybody, really – will serve to do anything other than cause even more chaos, fear and division.

It is my hope that the US is able to step back from the brink, before tensions boil over and a bad situation becomes even worse.

Stephen Bloom


Liz Truss needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror

I really have to wonder what world Liz Truss lives in. According to her she was on track to rescue the British economy, but Rishi Sunak “trashed her legacy”, and that led to the Conservatives losing the election.

Sorry, but her arrogance and incompetence contributed to the election result. She must have an enormous ego not to see what a failure she was both as an MP and as a prime minister. She needs to take a good hard look at herself!

L Robertson

Address supplied

Goodbye to AI

Being a septuagenarian, it’s unlikely I’ll be around when AI takes over the world... which it will. At least I won’t have to watch the wailing and gnashing of teeth by all the idiots who thought it was a good idea.

James Mason

Address supplied

We must reconsider our attitude to lethal weapons

A crossbow, like a gun, is a lethal weapon. Why was it that a person was able to procure such a weapon and use it to murder three women?

Luckily we in the UK are not under the same thrall of the firearms lobby that our American cousins appear to be. Were a politician to suggest we be freely allowed to distribute rifles on every high street, they would rightly be roundly mocked.

But it is clear from this recent tragedy that there are still holes to be plugged in our legal system with regards to the ownership of arms that can be used to cause serious – and even fatal – harm.

Molly Howe

Address supplied

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