The Domestic Abuse Bill needs to protect children as well as victims
Please send your letters to
Your article (3 March) highlights the importance of the enhanced Domestic Abuse Bill. This bill has the power to change millions of lives and many of the proposals are to be welcomed.
However, the proposal to ban alleged abusers cross-examining their victims in court does not go far enough and should be extended to any circumstances where there is alleged abuse. It should also cover all aspects of proceedings – for example, if the family’s children give evidence – to ensure vulnerable parties are properly protected throughout.
As the bill progresses through parliament, we urge the government to expand this ban and put the necessary funding into legal aid for both sides, support services, education and wider government policy – giving victims the access to justice they so deserve.
Simon Davis, president, Law Society of England and Wales
Keep calm and carry on
In my pre-Salk vaccine childhood days growing up in a highly polluted urban atmosphere, my friends and I simply accepted that when our summer school holidays came around, so too did outbreaks of polio, and with them the closure of local cinemas and swimming baths. We didn’t panic at the prospect, but then neither did the press stoke up anxiety. We took sensible precautions and got on with our lives.
Ian Hurdley
Ferndown, Dorset
Lay off the BBC
I read Andrew Woodcock’s article about the continual vilification of the BBC and could not agree more with Lords Putnam and Bragg. Baroness Bakewell was also spot on, saying that this continuing and distasteful subversion by Dominic Cummings and the government is an actual wrecking policy.
The BBC does have its problems, because of the very nature of its size and inherent bureaucracy, but essentially it is not broken, so stop gratuitously talking up subscriptions. This is a well loved and respected institution and its news coverage is gold standard. These are indeed dangerous times and this government is chipping away foolishly at an institution that has served us so well. So please lay off the BBC and govern in a less divisive and detrimental fashion – and stop this Cummings catastrophe in his tracks.
Judith A Daniels
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk
EU migrants beneficial to UK’s economy
Whie Scottish secretary Alister Jack’s comments on his desire for a tunnel, rather than a bridge, between Scotland and Northern Ireland have naturally made the headlines, his comments on EU immigrants coming to the UK to get access to our benefits and NHS are equally ridiculous.
In its assessment on the value of EU citizens to the British economy, Oxford Economics highlighted the value of EU citizens to the British economy. It noted that when it comes to the public finances, European migrants contribute substantially more than they cost, easing the tax burden on other taxpayers.
Migrants from the EU contribute £2,300 more to the exchequer each year in net terms than the average adult. Over their lifetimes, they pay in £78,000 more than they take out in public services and benefits – while the average UK citizen’s net lifetime contribution is zero.
UK proposals to limit immigration will therefore not only damage the economy through impacting on the workforce but taxes will have to rise as EU nationals pay far more to the public purse than British-born residents.
Unfortunately, as with many things Brexit, the facts have been cast aside in favour of small-minded British nationalism.
Alex Orr
John Lewis decline result of government policy
I am a John Lewis fan and have been disappointed by the decline of their famous service over recent times (probably a decade, but accelerating since 2015).
I am not a frequent customer and never have been. I first noticed the decline in London, perhaps five years ago, where the menswear department became less and less relevant to me (an older customer) and I just could not find the things I wanted.
More recently, I have noticed in their Birmingham, Solihull and Manchester stores (not so much Trafford, yet) a decline in staff presence and knowledge. The stores are also noticeably less tidy, or clean even.
John Lewis has, seemingly, adopted the franchise and “cost control” model that I once saw in House of Fraser – less and less in-house products or expertise. It becomes like wandering around a market, not a department store. The range appears to have shrunk too. More recently, in the last two or three years, this malaise has spread to most departments and stores.
The conundrum is rooted in the internet. The equivalence with M&S is stark. Food moves quickly, success and failure quickly resolved by agile purchasing and store management. People need to eat. Waitrose is not the premium-only price product that M&S is in food. The department stores are being pummelled by Amazon. Unless the tax regime is rebalanced, the government is going to lose us market choice, high streets and good value. Quality in many areas is already a premium product, not just a “you get what you pay for” choice. Most things have been cheapened to minimum standards and online advice is like fake news – easily found but of dubious veracity, and often paid for in commissions. This affects everything from DIY to furnishings and electricals – anything you do not buy every week.
As most domestic finances get tighter and tighter this is not about direct consumer choice – it is the failure of government and fiscal policy over decades. Like the BBC we will only really miss it when it is gone and building it again would take decades, if ever. Guess what happens to Amazon pricing then. Another trick for Boris and his chancellor to perform.
Michael Mann
Young people and politics
I am a 15-year-old student from West Yorkshire with a keen interest in politics. I think it’s hugely important and significant for young people to be fully engaged in politics, and help to shape the future of our towns and society.
Many of my friends, fellow peers and many young people think politics is irrelevant to them, even though politicians both at local and national level make decisions which affect our lives. It`s pivotal to make sure young people are informed and aware about the way in which they can have a voice, share experiences and bring their ideas and opinions to the table – in order to bring change.
I believe the environment is the most important issue to young people. Our planet is on the brink of being irreparably damaged and, unfortunately, we will suffer the consequences for that damage. The climate emergency is real and we all must do what we can to preserve and protect our precious planet. We are facing a climate catastrophe and we have a moral duty to act. Otherwise we will fail both our planet and future generations.
As young people, our voices and dreams are hugely important. We must scream as loud as we can to make ourselves heard. Adults rely on young people to critique our existing system and point out what needs changing – if we don’t speak, we get the positive changes we want. We all must do what we can to make this world a better place.
Finally, politics is the main way we can let those who govern us know what we want, and if you don’t get involved you can’t have a say.
Qais Hussain
Shipley, West Yorkshire
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