Vaccine passports are another example of Boris Johnson closing the stable door after the horse has bolted
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Enthusiastic as I am about vaccination, I agree with Labour, the Lib Dems and the Tory rebels that vaccine passports for crowded venues are an illiberal measure that is more likely to provoke opposition to vaccines than to encourage take-up.
But even if requiring passports were a good plan, the PM’s approach is irrational. It makes no sense to introduce a constraint in the autumn after a summer of relative freedom when the infection level is already high, and rising. Here is Boris Johnson shutting yet another stable door long after the occupant has galloped away.
Susan Alexander
South Gloucestershire
In this nightmarish political world in which we British now exist, where headlines are more important than doing the right thing, and truth a scarce commodity to be used or discarded at will by politicians, I find it ironic that the media are allowing the blame for the disruption caused by so many being asked to self isolate to be put onto something called “the pingdemic” rather than onto government policy, which is where the blame truly lies.
Ministers are very happy to blame someone or something other than themselves for the consequences of their own bad decisions, but it was inevitable once restrictions were abandoned at a time of exploding numbers of infections that the numbers “pinged” would also explode. Didn’t they see this coming? (No need to answer!)
The NHS Covid-19 app is only doing its job. It is not the app that is to blame for so many people being asked to isolate, resulting in gaps on supermarket shelves, supply chain issues and production difficulties, it is a direct consequence of the Johnson government’s policy of removing final restriction at a time when the virus is exploding!
Arthur Streatfield
Mask mistake
A Brown, along with Boris Johnson is mistaken in thinking that it has only been the over-80s who have died, or will die from Covid-19
I too would like the economy to be opened up but I have found nothing to explain why this cannot be done alongside people carrying on wearing masks in shops and on public transport.
L Pearson
Brexit embarrassment
I never thought that I would feel embarrassed by my nationality but I now find myself apologising to my neighbours and friends here in rural France when I admit that I am British.
From the outset of the Brexit negotiations it was obvious to all, except apparently the UK government, that the border on the island of Ireland would need a sensitive and workable solution. The protocol that eventually emerged at the 11th hour was part of the agreement signed by Boris Johnson and David Frost. Did they not understand what they were signing or was it their intention to renege once the dust had settled?
The UK has fallen from a position of respect and influence as a member of the EU to become an nation which, like it’s prime minister, can certainly not be trusted.
Claire Casson
Britain's economy is said to be losing between £400m to £800m a week as a result of Brexit and ripping up the Northern Ireland protocol will do little to mitigate this loss. It's the entire Brexit deal that is unsustainable for the British economy in the long term – that is the deal that needs ripping up now, for the benefit of Britain's sustainable prosperity and security.
Chris Ryecart
Johnson vs Cummings
It is hard to say which of these two deserves more opprobrium: Boris Johnson,who so desperately needed to appoint Dominic Cummings to do his thinking for him, or Cummings, who so willingly accepted the role offered him by a man he clearly despises.
God help us all.
Ian Huish
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