The Conservative Government has failed the most vulnerable people in the UK
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Theresa May claims that the job of her Government is to keep our streets safe from foreign nationals and governments. Who will protect us from her?
The homeless have literally frozen to death on the streets in recent months, and in the name of austerity tens of thousands of sick and disabled claimants have died within weeks of their benefits being withheld after being found “fit for work”.
When claiming personal independence payment, a mentally ill person was asked by her assessor in 2013 why she hadn’t killed herself yet; and a United Nations report has condemned the Tory Government as making “grave violations” in the way in which it is treating the sick and disabled. Theresa May’s Government is now challenging the use of the Human Right Act in recent successful challenges to the welfare benefit cuts.
There isn’t a magic money tree, but May is giving £100m towards debunking Russian “disinformation“ while taking free school meals away from a million of the poorest kids in England.
More than a million people now rely on food banks to eat, many of whom are nurses and policemen and women. The Tories are destroying public services, privatising schools and the NHS. They have even started privatising the police force. Take a moment to think about that.
While the Tories are making the UK streets safe for Russian double agents, they have created a hell on earth for the sick, disabled, vulnerable and poor in this country.
Julie Partridge
London SE15
We already have control of our borders
During the Brexit referendum campaign we were continually told that leaving the European Union would allow us “to take control” of Britain’s borders. Many people cited this as a reason for voting Leave.
It appeared that any undesirable, terrorist or otherwise, from the EU and beyond who wanted to enter Britain could just walk in, thanks to some undefined EU stricture, and despite the UK not being a member of the Schengen area.
However, your news story reporting the deportation of far-right German Pegida leader Lutz Bachmann along with other distasteful individuals shows the Leave claim for the lie it was.
As a Home Office spokesperson said: “Border Force has the power to refuse entry to an individual if it is considered that his or her presence in the UK is not conducive to the public good.” So why was this outrageous lie about any EU citizen being able to enter Britain allowed to perpetuate?
Despite the claims of the Leave campaign, anybody who has travelled outside the UK must surely have realised that documentation must be shown to enter the UK mainland. This has always been the case. I show my passport to multiple UK border officials many times each year. How can anybody who travels have been duped into thinking anything else?
Michael O’Hare
Common ground?
Nicola Sturgeon and Theresa May rarely find much to agree on. But perhaps as Alex Salmond continues to flex his ego on the RT channel, our First Minister and Prime Minister will compare notes on how best to deal with the enemy within.
Keith Howell
West Linton
Living on Mars
Your article on AI and robots raises the possibility of humans colonising Mars. Apart from getting seven billion people there, perhaps we should realise that the atmosphere cannot support human, animal or plant life and there is so much radiation that people would need to be six feet underground. Sounds ideal. Perhaps it might be simpler not to trash the earth.
Michael Hale
Forgiveness is key to getting through Brexit
James Moore is spot on (It’s time for Remainers to properly embrace regretful Brexiteers rather than railing against them). Such a change of heart requires bravery and should be encouraged. To misquote the scriptures, surely the attitude of the pro-Europe camp should be that “there will be more joy in Britain over one Brexiteer who repents than over ninety-nine Remainers who need no repentance”?
MT Harris
Boris Johnson’s £160,000 tennis match
Boris Johnson played a game of tennis with the wife of one of Vladmir Putin’s ex-ministers in return for a £160,000 donation to Conservative party funds. So what? It’s nice to see that some people still go into politics to serve.
Julian Self
Milton Keynes
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