Dear Boris Johnson, it's not Extinction Rebellion who are 'smug, irritating and disruptive'

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Tuesday 23 April 2019 14:14 BST
Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg tells Extinction Rebellion supporters 'humanity is at a crossroads'

I am fed up with Boris Johnson’s constant disruption and his assumption that his opinion is more important than my own. I find him “smug, irritating and disruptive”. He is also deeply uneducated on the matter of climate change and the causes of it. The only things that distinguish him from the portrait of the people that he lambasts in his article in The Telegraph, is a shred of decency, constancy oh... and the double-barrelled name.

Laura Dawson

One notes with interest media snipes at Extinction Rebellion along the lines of discord among the leadership.

Has anyone recently taken a look at the ruling party and opposition party of Britain?

Amanda Baker

Clear thinking

What a lot of good reasons Chuka Umunna puts forward for doing the wrong thing!

Steve Hills
Milton Keynes

The response to Sri Lanka bombings

Following the shootings at the Christchurch mosques last month there was immediate widespread condemnation of the action. After the bombings of the churches in Sri Lanka with a much larger death toll one is deafened by the silence. Why?

Jonathan Longstaff

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Who’d want to support these pluckers?

The latest attack on Theresa May – this time by Bill Cash – demonstrates yet again that the position of Tory prime ministers is akin to turkeys at Christmas. The same hands that raised them ending up wringing their necks. Except, in her case, she’s been well and truly stuffed before being dispatched.

Roger Hinds

Donald Trump's return to the UK

Aren't we suffering enough already?

Sarah Pegg

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