I’m very glad Boris Johnson is concentrating fully on dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic
Please send your letters to letters@independent.co.uk
So that’s home refurbishments, a biography of William Shakespeare and a wedding that our prime minister, Boris Johnson, has found time for over the last year. Not bad for someone supposedly 100 per cent focused on dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.
Paula Kirby
Not for a moment would I wish to cast any shadows on the happy day for a certain couple taking time out from their DIY schedule at their Westminster flat, but the cynical amongst us might take some delight in the quote from a witness in your piece about the event that “when they came out they were all bungled into a car”, thus inferring that our PM can do nothing right. May the farce be with us all.
Rick Biddulph
Longer restrictions
This is a request for Boris Johnson to delay the complete lifting of restrictions until later than 21 June. In particular, travel overseas, including all holiday destinations in Europe.
I am a 75-year-old lady who is desperate to visit Dubai and my family with a new grandson born in July 2020 – but I realise the implications of lifting the restrictions too soon with the current situation regarding the Indian variant.
Simply, I would call on the prime minister to err on the side of caution for the sake of being a little stoic for a few weeks longer.
Pauline Hall
Address supplied
Vanity project
It is inappropriate to indicate that “Boris Johnson gets a new flagship”. Or is it? Is it a sign that this particular personality needs a continued supply of new toys to keep his mind focused? As vanity projects go, it will be seen as yet another huge waste of public money at a time of other national needs.
How many nurses’ salaries does the equivalent cash flow support. One hopes that parliament may step in to cancel this.
John Evans
Pulborough, West Sussex
No revenge
I watched the entire seven hours of Dominic Cummings’s evidence to the select committee. I did not see someone intent on revenge. I saw someone giving a candid and sincere account of working in Downing Street. Who would like to be seen to have been important in getting some things right but who was clearly distressed at just how dysfunctional it had been.
Throughout the evidence a very consistent account was given of a prime minister – Boris Johnson – who did not engage in the issues. Who instead of providing leadership on the investigation of the pandemic and the necessary decision-making, preferred to wing it, relying on his own gut feelings.
I am resigned that nothing will change. The prime minister will bumble through the aftermath of Brexit, waving flags, claiming credit, blaming the EU whenever they protect their own interests and looking forward to wearing the captain’s cap on the likely-named HMS Prince Philip. His reputation saved by a failure to dig deep enough for the evidence of what he actually knew and did. When the prime minister says “we did all that we could” it means that he did all that he was capable of.
Jon Hawksley
Address supplied
BBC blessings
As soon as I see the terms Netflix original or Amazon Prime original, it’s time to find another programme or film to fill my time.
Their content, invariably, is how many people are killed in various unlikely ways.
Thank goodness for the BBC, even if it’s the test card I’m watching. It is a mere 40 pence per day, even if only for the news and Radio 2.
Michael Pate
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