This former scientific adviser is right. Boris Johnson’s leadership essentially allowed coronavirus to spread
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Thank you, Sir David King, for declaring publicly what was so obvious back in March when Boris Johnson’s statement of expected deaths was an admission of giving up from the start. It was obvious then the government had no strategy, turned its back on European and global examples of sensible responses to Covid-19, and has since been fully culpable for the needless deaths of 50,000 through that incompetence, secrecy and misguidedness.
The Independent Sage body set up by King and his outspokenness here regarding Johnson’s secrecy and obvious reliance on Cummings is at least a tiny light that there is a sense, sensibility, professionalism, expertise. Just a shame Johnson ignores it all.
Andrew Woodcock’s article on the Red Pepper interview with King has and will, presumably, illustrate yet again the misinformation that I believe Johnson produces. His incompetence and constant ability to wriggle out of the most stupefying gaffes at every stage of his premiership begs the question of what democracy is all about.
Between secrecy and ignoring the science, the prime minister is destroying the lives of people and the country he was elected to lead. Suppression of information which should be in the public domain regarding scientific advice illustrates such incompetence. Why do so many people around Johnson allow this to go on? Why don’t ministers speak out the truth? We know the answers... Dominic Cummings seems to be in charge. Whoever enables this is also culpable for these 50,000 needless deaths.
We cannot wait for more years with Johnson in his current position. Little England will result, Fox News will replace the BBC and many more U-turns will occur.
Al Roberts
The economic, social and educational impacts of Covid-19 are monumental. They will be felt for decades to come. Global deaths have reached 800,000; many families are bereaved; economies are in shock and countless people are being made redundant. The richness of human connections and facial expressions and lip-reading have been reduced to the bare minimum. The virus is still spreading like a bushfire. The government should put human health and welfare far ahead of economies and financial gains.
Munjed Farid Al Qutob
London NW2
Office vs in office
This one is really simple.
The folk who were in the office are more intelligent about the risk than the idiots in Government who are encouraging this return.
They actually understand the science.
John Sinclair
PocklingtonThe laughing stock of the world
America is showcasing its most senior representative, Donald Trump, as the worst leader in the world – Boris Johnson is second best (worst).
It doesn’t say much for the education system of America if Trump is allowed to berate the world every time he opens his mouth – which is far too often.
His grasp of reality seems limited. His understanding of the complex problems in his own country, let alone other countries is woefully lacking. His suggested remedies for Covid-19 are dangerously irresponsible, as is his lack of action. He fans the flames of racial discontent and advocates gun-carrying vigilante groups.
He has single-handedly has made America the laughing stock of the world. Just ahead of Johnson’s Britain.
Why have the American people allowed this man to pull them down into his cesspool?
When history students, particularly Americans, look at his time in power they will ponder long and hard on just what an earth he achieved for the American people at home or abroad.
Surely this man and his manner of governance cannot endure any longer. Hopefully his tenure of the White House will be over in November and America will elect an honest and competent administration. One that will, once again, put the needs of the people first and pull them out of a downward spiral.
Keith Poole
Migration blame game
Peter Fieldman’s ”solution” (Letters, 29 August) is based on his assertion that of the people attempting to reach the UK: “The vast majority of migrants are not persecuted or escaping conflicts but simply seek a better life in west Europe.” It’s a subjective view, to say the least.
In addition, he is content for those in charge of their countries of origin to take responsibility for their fleeing people, when it’s patently obvious that either they will not; are ill-equipped to or are the cause of the flight.
There’s a position for Fieldman in our present government.
Eddie Dougall
Bury St Edmunds
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