Letters: Death of the obituary

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Friday 08 April 2016 17:32 BST

The Independent online has invented a new parlour game - or funeral parlour game - to entertain its readers: Hunt the Obituary. Is this a Death-wish?

Peter Forster


Sex Work

Simon Kelner (Voices, 8 April) says that the new French law criminalising the purchase of sex changes the status of the sex worker from criminal to victim. The third possibility is that the sex worker is neither. Unconscionable, I know.

Michael O'Hare


Balkan Wars

Denis MacShane says that Iate intervention by America stopped the Serb wars of the 1990s.This is to misread what happened in Bosnia. There was a far from insignificant American intervention before the Bosnian wars broke out. It was admittedly diplomatic rather than military, yet profoundly destabilising,

Yugo Kovach


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