Letter: Why we benefit from single-tier local authorities - and why we don't
Sir: Peter Newsam (letter, 22 April) claims that, in the event of unitary local government being established, the Government would withdraw education to the centre - and suggests that those who think otherwise must have been dreaming for the past 15 years. I fear that it is Sir Peter who has been asleep.
Under 15 years of Conservative rule, there has been a gradual erosion of the powers and responsibilities of local government. During that time, what precisely have the supposedly mighty and powerful county councils done to stop that erosion? Nothing] If central government wants to restrict local government's ability to act, it can do it quite well, whatever the structure.
Change the government and you might reverse that policy. Sir Peter's is a political argument, not a structural one.
Yours sincerely,
Leader of East Hampshire District Council
Petersfield, Hampshire
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