LETTER: Why EMU is so unpopular

Lord Willoughde Broke
Monday 05 February 1996 00:02 GMT

From Lord Willoughby de Broke

Sir: The article by Sir Leon Brittan ("Don't misjudge Europe's real mood", 2 February) is a timely reminder of why EMU and those who peddle it so assiduously are becoming increasingly unpopular.

Sir Leon's condescending presumption that EMU will happen because heads of state will it so is insulting to the electorates of the nations that make up the EU; the tedious business of seeking their opinion is not even considered worthy of mention. In support of his case he quotes yesterday's man, Jacques Delors: "Any delay in applying the Treaty on EMU would be a catastrophe for European integration". As Mandy Rice-Davies so memorably put it: "He would say that, wouldn't he?"

As Sir Leon goes on to admit, the French government's measures to meet the Maastricht criteria have already led to national strikes and demonstrations; he even recognises that there is little support for EMU within Germany itself. The fact is that the countries that count don't want it, while the countries that want it, don't count; but according to Sir Leon, it is going to happen anyway - it must be something they put in the Brussels water.

I will strike a bet with Sir Leon; that without creative fudging of the Maastricht criteria, EMU will not happen on 1 January 1999.

The loser to buy the winner lunch; and for the venue where better than Luxembourg, which looks like being in a cosy monetary union of one.

Yours sincerely,

Willoughby de Broke



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