Sir: I read Polly Toynbee's piece on the Tories in Bournemouth ("Schism,
here we come!", 11 October) with wry amusement. I'm afraid she got herself
into a muddle.
Wigan people certainly don't believe that Europe is the only political
issue. As I told Polly, their big worry is crime - especially the thuggery,
car crime and vandalism that spoils life in many towns. Wiganers are delighted
that the Conservatives are meeting these worries with "zero tolerance".
Describing Wigan as a "no hope seat" also shows a touch of Home Counties
snobbery. Wigan is full of hope. Tourism, golf courses, retail parks,
computer centres and ever-expanding executive housing estates - Wigan's
got them all. Now that really is something that Miss Toynbee should get
excited about.
Conservative prospective parliamentary candidate for Wigan
Wigan, Lancashire
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