LETTER:View from the Newbury bypass
From Miss Helen Anscomb
Sir: Andrew Pharoah (Letters, 8 July) of the British Road Federation writes about the local situation in the Newbury bypass controversy from London EC1. A campaign of signature gathering was set up here in Newbury in December instigated by the local MPs, business interests and national road campaigning groups - hence Mr Pharoah's interest to stop Dr Brian Mawhinney's review of the scheme and get the western route proposal for the bypass reinstated immediately.
People were asked whether they wanted a bypass, not whether they wanted the bypass on offer ie: the highly damaging western route. Residents do want some bypass or improvement for through traffic and signed up. There has only been one public inquiry in 1988 to determine the actual route of the A34 at Newbury. By 1990, that route was fixed.
What is needed now is immediate traffic management measures to relieve the traffic flow and an exploration of all possible alternatives.
Yours faithfully,
Helen Anscomb
Ashmansworth, Berkshire
9 July
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