LETTER: Two different Christmases
From Mr Damian Ciappelli
Sir: Radio One presenter Simon Mayo ("The blasphemy of a meaningless Nativity", 12 December) fails to see the difference between the religious festival of Christmas and the secular one that occurs at the same time. True Christians can see the difference, and they are able to accept the secular festival for what it is - what Mr Mayo describes as "cards, television, alcohol, food and Santa".
Since it is not Mr Mayo's intention to move anyone towards Christ through his fatuous "cartoon nativity", it is absurd for him to suggest that Christians are committing blasphemy when they "settle for a Christmas story that has lost all power to fire the imagination". He fails to understand that "the greatest story ever told" has lasted so long because it is a part of the Christian religion.
I accept his view that there is more than one way of telling a story. However, he does not distinguish between re-interpreting a story and simply mocking a story.
Yours faithfully,
D. V. Ciappelli
12 December
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