Letter: Truthful with the economics

David Wroe
Sunday 07 March 1993 00:02 GMT

CHRISTOPHER Huhne ('Self- interest rules as G7 drifts apart', 28 February) betrays misconceptions about revisions to Central Statistical Office economic statistics. Rather than slipping out an analysis of revisions, as he suggests, we released the publication containing the analysis with a press notice.

The extensive improvements to CSO data sources have been designed to reduce the need for revisions to early estimates, and in particular to ensure that the early estimates do not consistently understate or overstate the economic growth rate. Future analyses will we hope confirm that we have been successful.

Moreover, past revisions have not been as regular as Christopher Huhne appears to assume. The latest series contains our best estimates of growth rates.

David Wroe

Deputy Director, CSO

London SW1

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