Letter: The demonising of Winston Silcott
Sir: I am writing to thank you for your lone editorial concerning Winston Silcott and the tabloids (2 August). You wrote of the demonising of this man. Alas, too true] And perhaps I am not the only person to wonder whether a fair trial - I refer to the recent trial - was really possible with an unprejudiced jury when its members, unless they came from the Solomon Islands or similar distant place, could hardly have been able to consider the evidence without, at least subconsciously, being influenced beforehand?
Surely this is a danger which should be avoided? And how can it be avoided unless the kind of press treatment that Silcott received is reined in very severely? Justice must be seen to be done. I do not think in this recent case the scales have been seen to be held in equal balance.
Yours faithfully,
2 August
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