Letter: Tasks that still face the PM
From Mr Brian Crozier
Sir: I write as a pro-European who is (therefore) anti-Maastricht. Now that the anti-ECU John Redwood is on hold, can we not look on the good side of the common European currency issue?
What bliss it will be! That family holiday is looming, whether on the Rhine, the Algarve or a Turkish beach, and we don't have to worry about travellers' cheques or whether the hotel desk is going to overcharge us for our D-marks, our escudos or our Turkish lire.
We are in the export business and don't have to worry about the exchange rate, for there isn't one.
And another thing. We don't have to worry about those last-minute tax changes by whichever party is in office to persuade us to vote them back. For now we have a European central bank and the party in office won't have to worry about such small matters.
And now (July 1995), I suppose we can all wake up and face the untidy real world for a bit longer.
Yours faithfully,
Brian Crozier
London, SW1
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