Letter : Stop sneering at Labour changes
Sir: Austin Mitchell may feel he is enjoying a harmless joke in the privacy of the columns of the New Statesman by sneering at the changes in the Labour Party ("Blair is a dictator, Labour MP says", 29 August). But those who desperately want rid of this squalid government won't be laughing.
The Labour Party has offered a number of key pledges to improve the health service, create employment and provide a minimum wage, which would enhance the quality of life for millions. Under Tony Blair's leadership, the likelihood of achieving such change is greater than at any time in the past two decades. I, like many others in front-line marginal constituencies, will be fighting hard to make that change a reality. Trying to operate under verbal sniper- fire from the likes of Austin Mitchell only makes that job more difficult. Quit the heckling Austin, and get stuck in.
Gravesham Labour Party, Gravesend, Kent
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