Letter: Sinn Fein's voice must be heard

Mr Leonard Jarvis
Wednesday 22 December 1993 00:02 GMT

Sir: The setting up of a Northern Ireland Select Committee should be welcomed by all taxpayers. Northern Ireland has the highest level of public expenditure but the least supervision. The so-called pounds 2bn subsidy is a cause of resentment, and the Select Committee will help to reassure people in Great Britain that the money is being wisely spent. Those who oppose the setting up of the Select Committee allow such resentment to fester and cause ill feeling between the people of the UK.

The Select Committee is only a start. Next the powers of the Audit Commission must be extended to include Northern Ireland. The supervision of taxpayers' money is a matter for the Commons, not local politicians. At last Westminster is starting to look seriously at Northern Ireland. This can only be beneficial for all concerned.

Yours faithfully,



Co Antrim

18 December

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