Letter: Planning threat to scientific sites

Ms Carol Hatton
Sunday 09 August 1992 23:02 BST

Sir: The World Wide Fund for Nature (UK) wholeheartedly supports Tim Cordy's call for stronger protection of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (Letters, 6 August).

WWF launched a campaign earlier this year identifying the ways in which existing legislation must be strengthened to ensure their protection.

Last week's announcement that the European Commission will not be prosecuting the Government over the Twyford Down/M3 extension highlights a major deficiency in environmental impact procedures, and has directly contributed to the destruction of this particularly fine SSSI.

There is a clear need for an independent, statutory body responsible for ensuring that EC law is consistently implemented in the UK. Between 200 and 300 SSSIs are destroyed and damaged each year. The greatest cause of this long-term destruction is the direct result of planning proposals, including road building. It is vital that environmental considerations form an integral part of planning processes. The establishment of a watchdog organisation would be a step in the right direction.

Yours faithfully,


Planning Officer

World Wide Fund for Nature UK

Godalming, Surrey

6 August

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