Letter: Our national wealth was squandered
Sir: The article "Movers and shakers line up to support main parties" (18 March) declared: "The chief executive of Nissan, Ian Gibson, showed his preference when he argued that Labour's support for the Social Chapter could damage the competitiveness of British companies." I was then listed as "coming out for Major".
At no point in my evidence to the Education and Employment Select Committee did I comment on Labour's support for the Social Chapter. What I said was: "The Social Chapter, so far as it exists at present, ie legislation and after, has zero effects on us." I added: "The reason the Social Chapter gives rise to concern is not because of any present standards it has enacted but because, as I understand, it is essentially enabling legislation." I emphasised that business needs to assess risk and to minimise it wherever possible. These are views that I have expressed for a number of years.
The inference of The Independent's article is that Nissan has expressed a preference for one political party over another. Nissan's position remains unchanged. We will always work with the government of the day and we place a stable macro-economy and low inflation high on our list of priorities.
Managing Director and Chief Executive
Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK)
Sunderland, Tyne and Wear
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