Letter: Not a question of 'good' and 'bad' teachers
From Mr David Morgan
Sir: That schools need much more than money is not in dispute. What requires constant re-affirmation is that they do need much more money, and the Chief Inspector does our schools a disservice in weakening the argument for this.
Granted that the key ingredient of an effective education is good teaching, we should be aiming to maximise its impact by providing the conditions needed by the good teacher to do the job properly - adequate premises, a sufficient supply of textbooks and, above all, a reasonable pupil- teacher ration. We are now in the run-up to the general election, with both major parties seemingly committed to tight control of government spending.
With so many worthy areas of public provision starved of funds, the champions of education should speak with one voice. Governments need no help in finding excuses for skimping on education.
Yours faithfully,
David Morgan
Abingdon, Oxfordshire
17 December
The writer is a school governor.
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