Letter: No rebellion at Windsor
Sir: I regret to have to write to indicate that Amanda Bailleau's article on the part played by the Royal Fine Art Commission in the planning of the restoration of Windsor Castle in general, and of St George's Hall in particular, is wholly inaccurate ('Barriers to change at Windsor Castle', 7 July).
The chairman of the commission attended a meeting at Windsor in his personal capacity in order to be informed about the situation there and to give advice. There was never any 'rebellion' at the commission about the chairman's contribution, nor was there any 'unanimous' decision in May, or at any other time, by the commission that the restoring of the Wyatville interior of St George's Hall 'would be wrong'.
Commissioners have undoubtedly individual views on the matter, but the commission has never considered the matter as a body, let alone reached any decision. It has, however, agreed that the chairman should continue his membership of the Windsor Committee in his personal capacity, and so keep the commission members in touch with developments. When the moment comes, the commission will give its official assessment of the plans for any projects submitted to it or called before it.
Yours sincerely,
The Royal Fine Art Commission
London, SW1
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