Letter: No crime exposing neo-Nazis
PAUL REYNOLDS of Anti- Fascist Action (Letters, 31 October) criticises Neal Ascherson's words which accompanied Leo Regan's photographs in the Review, which are published by us under the title Public Enemies.
Mr Reynolds tries to deliver a bombshell by 'revealing' that Leo Regan stood bail for one of the neo-Nazi attackers. It is a pity that Mr Reynolds and others who attack your publication of Regan's photographs have not taken the obvious step of looking at Public Enemies, which has a text by Regan and a long and careful introduction by Nicholas Mosley.
Regan himself writes that he stood bail in the course of his work with these people so as not to jeopardise his role as a photo-journalist with complete access to their lives.
Our book makes it abundantly clear, by the photographs and texts, what an evil bunch these neo-Nazis are.
Mr Reynolds has got hold of the wrong end of the stick. Anyone who thinks the book flatters these thugs can neither understand photographs nor read plain English.
Mr Reynolds and other anti-fascists should concentrate on the neo-Nazis and not attack those trying to expose them.
T G Rosenthal
Chairman, Andre Deutsch
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