Letter: Muddled heads in BBC radio

Mr C. J. Mabley
Thursday 14 October 1993 23:02 BST

Sir: I know I am not alone in my revulsion at the 'rolling news' concept ('Victory on Four, a rolling news nightmare on Five', 13 October). The headlong rush after news stories means that what was 'news' in the morning can already have been forgotten in the evening as something else develops. The CNN news network on television splits 'news' into bite-sized chunks that neither probe nor develop the meaning behind a story.

News is absolutely useless as a commodity without the opportunity to digest the information and its consequences, and to hear the development of a story over the next days and weeks, not merely hours. I have already almost given up on television and radio news, since it seems to be filled mostly with speculation about what might become news, or with speculative and meaningless discussion about what has just become news.

Thank goodness for newspapers like yours that present a considered view of the world once daily.

Yours faithfully,


Feltham, Middlesex

13 October

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