Letter: Militant is behind Morris at TGWU
rom Mr Bill Mullins
Sir: I write to put the record straight about Militant Labour's attitude to the present general secretary election under way in the Transport and General Workers's Union.
You quote ("Dromey vs Morris: showdown at the T&G corral", 19 May) unnamed sources in the Morris camp suggesting that Militant Labour and its supporters are supporting Jack Dromey.
Militant Labour is supporting Bill Morris in this crucial election, though not without criticisms of his leadership of the union. Militant has carried articles in the past five issues advocating that TGWU members vote for Mr Morris.
Mr Dromey, as your article indicates, is a sword carrier for Tony Blair in his attempts to tame the unions. He would use the authority of the general secretary to keep the union "out of politics" - that is, he would resist attempts by the left in the union to put pressure on a Blair government to deliver policies such as a pounds 4-per-hour minimum wage.
There is clear blue water between Mr Morris and Mr Dromey on that issue, and that's the primary reason why Militant Labour is calling for a vote for Bill Morris in this important election.
Reference to the "hard left in Merseyside" supporting Mr Dromey cannot be a reference to any Militant Labour members in that region.
Yours sincerely,
Industrial Organiser
Militant Labour
London, E9
19 May
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