Letter: Media biased in favour of news

Keith Albans
Tuesday 04 March 1997 00:02 GMT

Sir: Haven't Brian Mawhinney and Charles Lewington missed the point ("BBC under fire for assuming Blair win", 3 March)? A journalist of any description thrives on news - on something changing - and after 18 years that includes a change of government.

Perhaps they ought to accuse football journalists of being anti-Manchester United, but the principle would be the same - news is made by things being different and the underdog coming out on top. Sadly, the area where my theory breaks down concerns the England cricket team. Though we haven't won the Ashes in years, the journalists will still be itching for Australia to thrash us again. Maybe, in his spare time after the election, Dr Mawhinney could use his talents to investigate this bias.



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